A self-financed label.  Neither of the two records that bore GFR-000 numbers had a company name on the labels or the sleeves, so I have used the prefix to give them an identity.  Happily, Fokeman of the 45cat site has learned, via Steve Chilcott, that GFR stood for Gypsy Folk Records,  and that the name was derived from the Gypsy Davey folk club in Oxford; so I've added that name to the header.  The first release was the one shown above, an EP, 'Opening Gambit', by singer / songwriter Steve Chilcott.  As the label details indicate, it was recorded at Smile Sudios in Manchester, which had its own 'Smile' label (q.v.).  The pressing marks look like those of a Linguaphone product.  Robert Bowes, who kindly supplied the scan, added that there was a second GFR / Gypsy Folk record, 'Planxty Irwin' b/w 'The Cock Fight' (GFR-002; S82-CUS-471), by Steve & Les Chilcott, which was made through custom recording firm SRT and came out in 1982.

Copyright 2008 Robert Lyons.