A label dedicated to Soul reissues.  Grapevine was run by Soul collector John Anderson; it lasted from June 1977 to the summer of 1980, and released nearly 50 singles.  Singles were generally numbered in the GRP-100s, but there was a short-lived red-labelled RED-0 series which was devoted to modern Soul.  Disc jockey Richard Searling assisted in determining which tracks would be released; he played American imports at the Wigan Casino, and the ones which proved most popular were licensed by Grapevine.   As Searling worked for RCA, it was natural that records on his label should be manufactured and distributed by that company.  A history of Grapevine and a description of its releases can be found on the This Old Soul site.  The dates in the discography below are those given in 'Music Master'; they often don't seem to follow the numerical sequence, for some reason.


Copyright 2006 Robert Lyons.