Another obscure minor label.  Kentone issued at least two records in or around 1977, both of which were by artists who are better known for making people laugh than for their musical accomplishments.  First out of the blocks was comedian Freddie Davies, with a celebration of a famous fish-and-ship shop, 'The Ballad Of Harry Ramsden's' (PKM-101; 1977).   He was followed by Ronne Coyles - later to work with another comedian, Harry Hall - who recorded an EP, 'This Is Ronne Coyles' (PKM-102).  Freddie Davies produced that EP; the fact that he was involved with both records suggests that Kentone may have been his imprint.   The label of PKM-101 was injection-moulded (1), and the scan of it appears by courtesy of Robert Bowes.   PKM-102 was recorded at Look studios, Huddersfield.  Neither record seems to have sold in any great numbers.

Copyright 2008 Robert Lyons.