A DIY Punk / New Wave label.  Thieves Like Us was owned by the band of that name.  It issued just one EP, 'Stick Up For Thieves Like Us' (PX-1093), the catalogue number of which indicates a CJMO recording.  It's debatable whether it qualifies as a label, as such, or whether the EP should be listed under 'CJMO', but 'Music Master' lists it as a separate label, so I may as well follow that publication's lead.  That said, MM gives the EP's catalogue number as 'THIEVES L U-1'.  It also gives the distributors as One Stop, and the date of issue as October 1979.  The Thieves went on to make a single for Earlobe Records, 'Mind Made' (ELS-1; 1980).  Thanks to Robert Bowes for the scans.

Copyright 2006 Robert Lyons.