EAGLE (DT prefix)


There were at least four Eagle labels in the '70s.  This appears to have been the first to take flight.  As the label states, it was based in Rothwell, Northants; the EP shown above, featuring four medleys by the Warren Eagle Trio (DT-27), seems to have been its only release.  The DT-00 series was used by Beck Recording Studios (q.v.), from the same county.  There is no date on the label, but Steviebgoode of the 45cat site has managed to fix DT-26 at 1976, which would suggest that this record came in that same year.  The music on it consists of straightforward keyboard / bass / drums instrumentals; the format and the appearance of the label suggests a self-financed product from a Club / Cabaret band.  The 'Company sleeve', which appears to have been home-printed, is a nice touch.

Copyright 2014 Robert Lyons.