An obscurity from the second half of the '70s, and most likely a custom recording concern in its latter stages at least.  Sunshine Me seems started out in or around 1976 as Sunshine Music (q.v.), issuing singles - and albums? - in an SM-0 numerical series.  After 'African Queen' by the Sinclair Brothers (SM-2; 1976) Sunshine Music evolved into Sunshine Me.  SM-3, SM-5 and SM-6 were albums, and are listed in brackets in the discography below; SM-7, pictured above, was a single by Campbell And Reid, 'Sweet Vibrations'.  ME Ltd seems to have been a production company.   A duo called (Tony) Campbell and (Brian) Reid issued an album, 'Nothing Like The First', on Arny's Shack Records (AS-042) in 1981; presumably they were the same people who did 'Sweet Vibrations', and presumably there was a first album, but again - sadly - it all seems Google-proof.

Copyright 2008 Robert Lyons.