Tear Fund was - and still is - a Christian charity, based in Teddington.  It started out in the early 1960s as the Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund and became Tear Fund (later Tearfund) in 1968 under the guidance of clergyman George Hoffman.  It appears to have been responsible for just one record: 'The Burundi Story', a single-sided spoken word EP containing eye-witness reports of the 1972 massacres in that country.  There was no date on the EP but Shaun Allison of the 45cat site has a copy which has 'Issued June 1973' on the sleeve, which sounds perfectly plausible.  Presumably the record was intended as an awareness-raiser, part of the charity's attempt to drum up funds for its relief effort.  The 'B' side had a tone signal in the groove and the words 'Do not play this side' on the label.  Pressing was by EMI.

Copyright 2018 Robert Lyons.