The Trailer label was one of two Folk Music labels owned by Bill Leader, the other being Leader.  Trailer was dedicated to artists of the 'Folk Revival', Leader to 'source' material.  Both labels started out c.1969 and were LP orientated, but Trailer issued at least two 7" records.  A single by Dave & Toni Arthur, backed with Toni Arthur's 'Bushes And Briars', appeared early on with a catalogue number of LER-1; the matrix numbers, LIV/EP/65 and 66, show that it was recorded in Livingston Studios, London.  There was no date on the label, but comparison with other Livingstone records which can be dated suggest that this single came out in 1968 or '69.  It was followed eight years or so later by the Andrew Cronshaw EP 'Cloud Valley' (LREP-1; 1977).  Terminally uncommercial, featuring three quiet instrumental tracks and one short upbeat one, that EP must have sold in miniscule quantities.  Be that as it may; neither Trailer nor Leader seem to have survived into the '80s.  Distribution was by Transatlantic; Pye was responsible for pressing the Andrew Cronshaw record.  Thanks to Nicholas Hough for the first scan.

Copyright 2006 Robert Lyons.