A Reggae label; a branch of Tropical Records (q.v.).  Jamaican production company Sound Tracs took over Tropical in September 1975, and introduced the Tropical Sound Tracs label not long afterwards.  Eleven singles were issued on it, in a TST-100 series, during the period 1975-76; pressing was by President, and distribution by Presidents's 'Enterprise' arm amongst others.  Tropical's records were also marketed by President from March 1976, as a result of which Tropical Sound Tracs singles from that time onwards have 'Marketed by President Records' on their labels.  Demo copies were overprinted with 'A's; either a large hollow one (2) or a small black one - the latter can be found on demos from some other President-related labels, such as Prism and Zara Music (q.v. both).  Sound Tracs appears to have run into terminal difficulties at some point towards the end of 1976 - there were no releases on any of the three Tropical labels after November 1976.  See also '2nd Tracs'.

Copyright 2006 Robert Lyons.