American, owned by Calvin Boles and operating out of Almogordo, New Mexico.  Yucca was mentioned in 'Billboard' of the 13th of October 1958 as being one of sixteen new labels that were being launched that week.  It continued to issue singles until at least 1985, albeit sporadically from 1979 onwards, and latterly served in large part as an outlet for Boles's own releases.  It never ventured across the Atlantic, and it only concerns us here because Southend-on-Sea shop Record Mart - specialists in obscure Rock 'n' Roll and Rockabilly records - arranged for it to make special re-pressings of three of its singles, primarily for sale in the UK.  All three were pressed in America.  Two of them, by Bob Taylor & The Counts and Bill Chappell, can easily be distinguished from their American counterparts by the text 'This Release Initiated By Record Mart England' at three o'clock on their labels.  The third, by Sonny Wallace, lacks that text but has a catalogue number of 127 as against the 45-127 of the original.  The date of issue is uncertain but Record Mart made a similar arrangement with Antler (q.v.) in 1975-76, resulting in singles with a similar 'Initiated by' text on them, so a date fairly close to that seems not unlikely.  See also RM - Record Mart's main label - Olympic (Rockabilly) and Doré.

Copyright 2022 Robert Lyons.